Logo Usage

Size Recommendations

The Gordon County Schools master logo should be used as a visual identifier, not a title block. In general publication usage, the logo should appear no smaller than 1 inch and should be prominently located.

Logo Type Usage

The horizontal version of the identity is the preferred choice should the available height of the intended space permit proper readability and size of it. If the application space is tall in nature rather than wide, the Gordon County Schools vertical logo should be used.

Gordon County Schools Official Logos

Protected Area

The Gordon County Schools identity should include a protected area around its perimeter that is free of all text and artwork. Using the height and width of the first letter "O" in Gordon, you may draw a box to cover it to determine spacing.

Gordon County Schools logos and protected areas

Logo Versioning

The official Gordon County Schools logo can be used in the two official colors on light backgrounds. The colors are assigned specifically to the mark and type as shown and should never be swapped out or flipped with the exception of using the secondary color on dark backgrounds.

On dark backgrounds where the preferred color palette simply does not read well, the use of white may be substituted in the identity as shown above.

Logo Versioning - Gordon County Schools Logos in Different Colors

Unacceptable Logo Variations

The logo should not be altered, stretched, skewed, replicated in alternate colors or modified in ways outside of the guidelines above, resulting in incorrect application of the Gordon County Schools logo.

  • Do not disassemble the logo

  • The GC icon without the Gordon County Schools identity is prohibited.

  • The orientation of the logo should not be altered, stretched, skewed, replicated in alternate colors or modified in ways outside of the guidelines listed.

  • The logo should not be placed on busy backgrounds

  • The opacity of the logo should not be altered

Examples of Incorrect Variations of the Gordon County Schools Logo

Brand Guidelines Booklet

View the full brand guidelines booklet here.